What is the Best Way to Organize Kitchen Storage?

I recently moved into a new home with a spacious kitchen, but I'm struggling to organize it efficiently. The kitchen has ample cabinet space, a couple of wide drawers, and a pantry, but I find myself constantly shuffling items around and can't seem to find a system that works. I'd love to hear about various effective ways to organize kitchen storage.

What are the best practices for maximizing space while keeping everything accessible and orderly? Are there specific methods or tools I should consider for different types of items like pots, spices, utensils, and food supplies? Any guidance on how to maintain an organized kitchen over time would also be appreciated!

#1: Emily Waters, Professional Kitchen Designer

Organizing a kitchen is a mix of art and science. The key is to create a balance between functionality and aesthetics. Here’s my comprehensive guide to achieving an organized kitchen.

1. Assessing Your Needs: Begin by evaluating your kitchen activities. Do you bake often? Are you a coffee enthusiast? Group items based on their usage.

2. Zone Creation: Establish distinct zones. For instance, a cooking zone near the stove for pots and spices, and a baking zone where you keep your baking sheets and mixers.

3. Vertical Storage Solutions: Use vertical space wisely. Install shelves or hanging racks for pots and pans. Use risers in cabinets for dishes and stackable shelves for canned goods.

4. Drawer Dividers: Implement drawer dividers for utensils. This not only keeps them organized but also makes them easily accessible.

5. Spice Storage: Consider a pull-out spice rack or a lazy Susan in a cabinet. This keeps spices visible and reachable.

6. Pantry Organization: Use clear, labeled containers for dry goods. This not only looks neat but also helps in identifying items quickly.

7. Regular Decluttering: Schedule monthly decluttering sessions. A kitchen’s functionality can diminish with the accumulation of unnecessary items.

Remember, the goal is to create a system that works for you and your lifestyle. Keep experimenting until you find the perfect balance.

#2: John Liu, Home Organization Blogger

Hey there! Kitchen organizing can be fun, believe it or not. Let’s break it down into some simple steps:

Start with a Clean Slate: Empty all cabinets and drawers. This gives you a clear view of what you have and what you need.

Categorize Everything: Group items by type – baking supplies, cooking utensils, everyday dishes, etc. This will help you decide where to store them.

Use Clear Containers: Transferring items like pasta, rice, and cereals into clear, airtight containers is not only practical but also makes your pantry look neat and tidy.

Hooks and Hanging Racks: These are lifesavers for pots, pans, and even mugs. It’s a great way to free up cabinet space.

Don’t Ignore the Doors: The insides of cabinet doors are great for hanging measuring cups, spoons, or even spice racks.

Lazy Susans Are Your Friend: Great for corner cabinets or the pantry. They make accessing items a breeze.

Label, Label, Label: Whether it’s shelves, bins, or containers, labeling helps everyone in the household know where things go.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. It’s all about what makes your kitchen routine easier and more enjoyable.

#3: Olivia Martinez, Certified Professional Organizer

Organizing a kitchen requires a strategic approach. Here’s a structured method to help you get started:

What is Kitchen Organization:

It's the art of arranging kitchen items in a way that makes them easily accessible, while maximizing space efficiency.

Why Organize Your Kitchen:

A well-organized kitchen saves time, reduces stress, and can even lead to healthier eating habits as you're more likely to cook when you know where everything is.

How to Organize:

  • Declutter: Remove everything from your cabinets and drawers. Discard expired items and donate unused gadgets.
  • Group Similar Items: Keep all baking items together, cooking tools in another spot, and so on.
  • Designate Zones: Assign specific areas for different tasks: prep, cook, bake, and store.
  • Optimize Storage: Use drawer dividers, shelf organizers, and clear containers. Each item should have a 'home'.
  • Maintain Order: Spend a few minutes each day ensuring everything is in its place.

Remember, the key to successful kitchen organization is to customize it to fit your unique cooking habits and lifestyle.

#4: Richard Thompson, Chef and Culinary Instructor

Organizing a kitchen, eh? Let’s get down to business:

The Golden Rule: Store it Where You Use It: Pots and pans go near the stove, baking supplies near the oven, and so on. This saves time and hassle.

Invest in Good Quality Storage Solutions: Cheap organizers can sometimes cost you more in the long run. Go for sturdy, reliable options.

Don’t Underestimate Drawer Organizers: A messy drawer is a nightmare. Invest in good organizers to keep everything in place.

Adjustable Shelves Are a Blessing: If your cabinets have adjustable shelves, use them to your advantage. Adjust them to fit different sized items.

Keep the Counters Clutter-Free: Store only what you use daily on the countertops. Everything else should have a cabinet or drawer.

Regularly Reassess Your Setup: As your cooking habits change, so should your organization. Keep tweaking it.


Each expert offers unique insights into kitchen organization:

  • Emily Waters emphasizes a systematic approach, focusing on zones and vertical storage.
  • John Liu suggests fun and practical tips like using hooks and labels.
  • Olivia Martinez outlines a structured 'What is, Why, How to' method for a clear organizational process.
  • Richard Thompson shares practical advice based on his culinary experience, advocating for a setup that evolves with changing cooking habits.


  1. Emily Waters: With over 15 years of experience as a professional kitchen designer, Emily brings a blend of aesthetic sense and practicality to her work. She's known for her innovative storage solutions and has contributed to several home improvement magazines.
  2. John Liu: John, a popular home organization blogger, combines humor and simplicity in his advice. His blog, 'The Organized Home', has thousands of followers who appreciate his easy-to-implement and budget-friendly tips.
  3. Olivia Martinez: A certified professional organizer, Olivia's approach is rooted in her background in psychology. She believes in creating spaces that not only look good but also improve the well-being of the occupants.
  4. Richard Thompson: As a chef and culinary instructor, Richard's perspective on kitchen organization is deeply influenced by his professional experience. He advocates for efficiency and practicality in kitchen setups.


Q: How often should I reorganize my kitchen?

A: It depends on your needs. A seasonal reassessment is typically sufficient, but you may need to do it more frequently if your cooking habits change.

Q: What's the best way to store spices?

A: Store spices in a cool, dark place in airtight containers. A pull-out spice rack or a dedicated drawer near the cooking area is ideal for easy access.

Q: Are open shelves a good idea for kitchen storage?

A: Open shelves can be great for items you use frequently, but they require regular cleaning and organization to avoid clutter.

Q: How can I maximize storage in a small kitchen?

A: Utilize vertical space with wall racks, magnetic strips for knives, and hanging storage for pots and pans. Also, consider multi-functional furniture like a kitchen island with storage.

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